Monday, April 9, 2007

All Good Things

As he lay upon the floor, in a pool of thought and sanity, he found the answer. The lunatic that no one could imagine, that not one person could conceive found it. The meaning of life. The littlest thing can make all the difference. He realized that upon this floor where he sat writing, that life is about what one makes it. Life is about the little things. Flames to dust, lovers to friends, all good things come to an end, but those times when they exist are the times which are to be treasured and held within. All good things come to an end, but while they last, live them to all of your ability. Hold on to those moments. Do not be afraid to let go of what you must, but do keep those moments in your heart. Never let them leave you. That is what life is about. The littlest moments of wonder.

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